
Do you ever find yourself saying, “I’ll start on Monday (or next month, or next year, or other “correct” new beginning time)”?  As humans, we have a tendency to prefer order and structure over chaos.  We tell ourselves that it makes the most sense to start new habits at the beginning of a new week, new month, new season, or new year.

Well, what if you miss Monday (or whatever start date you’ve designated as “correct” in your mind)?  Do you wait again until the next Monday?  We’ve made this mistake before, and now we realize this sounds quite silly.  You benefit from improving your habits whether you start on a Monday or a Wednesday or January 1st or May 15th or the first day of spring or the middle of fall.  The truth is it doesn’t really matter when you start, just as long as you ACTUALLY START.

“Make your resolutions for January 1st.”  “Spring is the time for new beginnings.  It’s the season for rebirth, renewal, and regrowth.”  BLAH BLAH BLAH, we’ve heard all the sayings before.  The sayings are great and motivational, but timing isn’t what’s most important when trying to change your habits.  Getting started is the hardest part, but it’s also the most important part!

NOW is always the best time for new beginnings, new habits, and new growth.

If you keep waiting until the perfect opportune time to start something new, you’ll be waiting forever.  Trust us, weeks from now, you’ll wish you started today!

Don’t let pain stop you from living your life.

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