Woman Gets Help for Lower Back Pain and Neck Pain at Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic
“I had lower back pain and neck pain that was driving me a bit nuts. I did not think anyone could help but alas, Pittsburgh Upper Cervical has. I was concerned about becoming dependant on chiropractic care but Dr. Dave and Dr. Martina have helped educate me on the issues that I have. Now I am not sure what I would do w/o them. If you have pain or other medical issues you owe it to yourself to get their perspective that aims to correct the problem not just soften the pain. It takes time but worth it!“
Do you need help for lower back pain and neck pain? You may want to consider upper cervical chiropractic care.
Proper alignment of the upper cervical spine is absolutely necessary for optimal function of the brain, spinal cord, neck musculature, and blood and nerve flow. At Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic, lower back pain and neck pain sufferers, have shown remarkable improvement once their spinal alignment has been corrected. If you suffer from lower back pain and neck pain, you should get your upper cervical spine checked.
If you are looking for alternative ways to reduce or prevent your back pain, you can read our blog post on How to prevent 13 common triggers of back pain.
If you are looking for alternative ways to reduce or prevent your neck pain, you can read our blog post on How to prevent 9 common triggers of neck pain.
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