Silent Killers
You’re sitting down to dinner with your family, enjoying a wonderful conversation about your daughter’s upcoming summer wedding, when you feel tightness in your chest, pain radiating down your left arm, and an inability to catch your breath. These are the first signs...
3 Essential Supplements for Optimal Nutrition and Health
We previously discussed the significance of addition in terms of adding nutritious foods to your diet BEFORE subtracting “bad” foods from your diet. (Read this post and check out #AdditionChallenge on Instagram for ideas and inspiration.) How did the challenge go for...
7 years and a giveaway!
Update: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winner Nicole A! Pittsburgh Upper Cervical Chiropractic celebrates 7 years this month! It has been a pleasure to share in your joy over exciting health improvements, marriages, new homes, new jobs,...
Mothers wear many hats
Whether you’re a “stay at home mom,” a “working mom,” or even a “work at home mom,” you wear many hats. You’re a caregiver. Whether you’re kissing “boo boos,” giving comforting hugs, saying reassuring words, or nurturing a sick child back to health, you love and care...
7 ways to prevent headaches and migraines
7 ways to prevent headaches and migraines “For your normal, everyday headache..." Seriously? Have you ever heard that on a drug commercial? That's nonsense! There is no such thing as a “normal everyday headache” because there is nothing normal about headaches....
Addition is easier than subtraction
In elementary school, you learned addition before subtraction, right? That’s because addition is typically easier than subtraction. This mathematical logic also applies to your diet! Most people approach diet improvements with a subtraction mindset. They make the...