7 ways to prevent headaches and migraines
“For your normal, everyday headache…” Seriously? Have you ever heard that on a drug commercial? That’s nonsense! There is no such thing as a “normal everyday headache” because there is nothing normal about headaches. They are a sign that something is wrong, and they are always caused/triggered/aggravated by something. There are many articles that suggest remedies, both medicinal and natural, for reducing headaches and migraines, but very few of these articles answer the two most important questions concerning headaches. What is CAUSING the headaches and how can we PREVENT them? Once you figure out what is causing/triggering/aggravating your headaches, you can learn how to prevent them. So, let’s take a look at how we can prevent headaches and migraines…
1. Are you getting enough oxygen (fresh air)?
Being cooped up inside all day does not allow your body adequate opportunity to ventilate your lungs with fresh air. Get outside, in the environment, and take a few deep breaths of fresh air every day. (Bonus tip: Wear your sunglasses so you aren’t squinting in the sunlight!)
2. When was your last sip of water?
Your headache may be a sign of dehydration (think hangover headache!). Other signs of dehydration include hunger, dry skin, dry eyes, and of course, dry mouth! Strive to drink at least 2 liters of water each day.
3. How is your posture?
Whether you stand or sit throughout most of the day, it is important for you to periodically change positions. As your body tires, you have a tendency to slouch your back and shoulders forcing your head to push forward. This adds extra strain on your neck muscles, which can trigger headaches. Poor posture also affects your ability to breathe deeply. Focus on sitting and standing up straight as though there is a tree growing up out of the top of your head towards the sun. Line your ears directly above your shoulders, and focus on pulling your shoulder blades towards each other.
4. Are you getting enough rest/sleep?
If you regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep each night, you are negatively affecting your sleep cycle and ultimately your health. Sleep deprivation is linked to many health problems, including headaches. Research has shown that lack of adequate REM sleep can actually trigger chronic pain. Strive to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
5. Are you regularly exposed to cigarette smoke, pollutants, chemicals, perfumes, or other unwelcome scents?
Limit or eliminate your exposure to these triggers. Nothing gives Dr. Dave more of a headache than walking through the perfume section of a department store!
6. Do you get enough magnesium in your diet?
Magnesium is necessary for proper nerve and muscle function. Eat more dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, and even dark chocolate!
7. Is your head on straight?
Proper alignment of the upper cervical spine is absolutely necessary for optimal function of the brain, spinal cord, neck musculature, and blood and nerve flow. In our office, headache sufferers have shown remarkable improvement once their spinal alignment has been corrected. If you suffer from headaches and migraines, get your upper cervical spine checked for balance/imbalance.
As we mentioned above, it’s easy to find both medicinal and natural remedies to treat headaches, but let’s be honest, no headache or migraine is caused by a lack of ginger root tea, peppermint oil, or Tylenol. When you figure out the CAUSE of your headaches, you can PREVENT them from occurring. Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
UPDATE: This post has been updated with a FREE printable checklist of these tips, plus 12 additional tips!
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