- You’re a caregiver. Whether you’re kissing “boo boos,” giving comforting hugs, saying reassuring words, or nurturing a sick child back to health, you love and care for your family unconditionally with all your heart.
- You’re a teacher. Even though you may not be standing at a chalkboard at the front of their classroom, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. You teach them love, manners, proper choices, good behavior, healthy habits, and so much more.
- You’re a life coach and motivational speaker. You empower your children to be good, strong, confident, and independent human beings.
- You’re the CEO and CFO of your family. You organize schedules and appointments, plan and prepare for parties and events, pay the bills, manage bank accounts, and solve problems …all while diffusing tantrums and mediating disputes.
- You’re a handy woman. You hang picture frames and curtain rods and put together play kitchens and “big boy beds.”
- You’re a chauffeur. School drop-off and pick-up are just the beginning. Then there’s soccer practice and swim lessons and dance classes, etc.
- You’re a maid. You keep the house clean, wash the dishes, do the laundry, iron the clothes, and accomplish all the other mundane tasks required to keep a neat home. And, let’s be honest, most of those messes aren’t even yours!
- You’re a personal shopper. You research and buy 90% of the groceries, clothes, housewares, and services that your family uses.
- You’re a chef. This goes way beyond breakfast, lunch, and dinner preparation. You also pack snacks for outings, create meal plans, keep track of refrigerator/freezer/pantry/toiletry inventory, and write grocery lists.
- You’re a playmate. Whether you’re crawling around on the floor playing with cars and Barbies or you’re running around outsides playing catch and tag, you’re expected to have just as much energy as your lively kids (most likely on less than half as much sleep to boot)!
- You’re a Super Hero. To your children, you are a hero. You protect them and have all the answers. They look up to you and want to be just like you.
Mothers wear all of these hats every single day. Even though the mom “job” is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, it’s also a 24/7 “job” with no sick days and very few breaks/vacations.
So, moms, who takes care of you? What happens when you don’t feel well? Do you push through aches, pains, and discomfort in order to take care of your family? Yes, you probably do.
In honor of Mother’s Day (but not only on Mother’s Day), take care of yourself, moms! Take some time to invest in yourself, your health, your sanity.
Relax, rejuvenate, and recharge!
Don’t let pain stop you from living your life.